University Shield Prof. J. D. Mollon


  1. H. B. Barlow and J. D. Mollon, 1982: The Senses. Cambridge University Press

  2. J. D. Mollon and L. T. Sharpe, 1983: Colour Vision: Physiology and Psychophysics. Academic Press

  3. J. D. Mollon, J. Pokorny and K. Knoblauch, 2003: Normal and Defective Colour Vision. Oxford University Press

Papers and Reports

  1. J. D. Mollon (1968) Fixation and perception. Optica Acta 15, 295-297 Request pdf

  2. J. Krauskopf and J. D. Mollon (1971) The independence of the temporal integration properties of individual chromatic mechanisms in the human eye. J. Physiol. 291, 611-623 Request pdf

  3. J. D. Mollon and J. Krauskopf (1973) Reaction time as a measure of the temporal response properties of individual colour mechanisms. Vision Research 13, 27-40 Request pdf

  4. J. D. Mollon (1974) After-effects and the brain. New Scientist 61, 479-482 Request pdf

  5. J. D. Mollon and H. E. Ross (1975) Gregory on the sun illusion. Perception 4, 115-118. [James Gregory (1668) on what is now known as the moon illusion] * Request pdf

  6. J. D. Mollon and P. G. Polden (1975) Some properties of the blue cone mechanism of the eye. Journal of Physiology 254, 1-2P Request pdf

  7. J. D. Mollon (1975) How man has seen the world (book review of "Handbook of Perception"). Nature 254, 729 Request pdf

  8. J. D. Mollon and P. G. Polden (1975) Colour illusion and evidence for interaction between cone mechanisms. Nature 258, 421-422 Request pdf

  9. J. D. Mollon and P. G. Polden (1976) Absence of transient tritanopia following adaptation to very intense yellow light. Nature 1976, 259, 570-572 Request pdf

  10. J. D. Mollon, P. G. Polden and M.J. Morgan (1977) Electro-optic shutters and filters. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 1977, 29, 147-156. * Request pdf

  11. J. D. Mollon (1977) Chapter Three: Neurons and neural codes, of 'The Perceptual World', Ed. K. von Fieandt and I.K. Moustgaard, Academic Press, pp. 45-70 2 Request pdf

  12. J. D. Mollon (1977) Chapter Four: Neural analysis, of 'The Perceptual World', Ed. K. von Fieandt and I.K. Moustgaard, Academic Press, pp. 71-97 2 Request pdf

  13. J. D. Mollon and P. G. Polden (1977) An anomaly in the response of the eye to light of short wavelengths. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Vol. 278, No. 960 Request pdf

  14. J. D. Mollon and P. G. Polden (1977) Saturation of a retinal cone mechanism. Nature 1977, 265, 243-246 Request pdf

  15. J. D. Mollon (1977) Control of Eye Movements (Book review of Bridgemann and Stark's edition of Hering's Theory of Binocular Vision). Nature 1977, 269, 453 Request pdf

  16. J. D. Mollon (1977) The oddity of blue. Nature 1977, 268, 587-588 (Meeting Report) Request pdf

  17. J. D. Mollon (1977) Perspectivist tradition leads men of vision (Book Review of Lindberg on Theories of Vision). Nature 1977, 266, 791 Request pdf

  18. J. D. Mollon (1977) Contrast and colour perception. In Spekreijse, H. and van der Tweel, L.H. 'Spatial Contrast', North-Holland, pp. 40-41

  19. J. D. Mollon (1978) Weber on sensory asymmetry. In Kinsbourne, M. 'Asymmetrical function of the brain'. Cambridge University Press, 1978, pp. 318-325 Request pdf

  20. J. K. Bowmaker, H. J. A. Dartnall, J. N. Lythgoe and J. D. Mollon (1978) The visual pigments of rods and cones in the rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta. J.Physiol. 274, 329-348 Request pdf

  21. J. D. Mollon and P. G. Polden (1978) On the time constants of tachistoscopes. Quart. J. Exp. Psychol. 30, 555-568. * Request pdf

  22. E. N. Pugh, Jr. and J. D. Mollon (1979) A theory of the π1 and π3 color mechanisms of Stiles. Vision Research 19, 293-312 Request pdf

  23. J. D. Mollon (1979) The theory of colour vision. In Connolly K. (Ed.) 'Psychology Survey No. 2', Allen and Unwin, pp. 128-150

  24. J. D. Mollon and P. G. Polden (1979) Post-receptoral adaptation. Vision Research 19, 435-440 Request pdf

  25. J. K. Bowmaker, H. J. A. Dartnall and J. D. Mollon (1980) Microspectrophotometric demonstration of four classes of photoreceptor in an Old World primate, Macaca fascicularis. J. Physiol. 298, 131-143 Request pdf

  26. J. D. Mollon (1980) On the light adaptation of the 'blue' mechanism. In 'Recent Advances in Vision' Optical Society of America Request pdf

  27. J. D. Mollon (1980) Post-receptoral processes in colour vision. Nature 283, 623-624 (Meeting report) Request pdf

  28. P. G. Polden and J. D. Mollon (1980) Reversed effect of adapting stimuli on visual sensitivity. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 210, 235-272 Request pdf

  29. J. D. Mollon, F. Newcombe, P. G. Polden and G. Ratcliff (1980) On the presence of three cone mechanisms in a case of total achromatopsia. In Verriest, G. (Ed.) 'Colour Vision Deficiencies V, Bristol: Hilger, pp. 130-135 Request pdf

  30. J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1980) Primate microspectrophotometry and its implications for colour deficiency. In Verriest, G. (Ed.). op cit., pp. 61-64

  31. J. D. Mollon (1980) Hue substitution: Reply to Bowen, Pokorny & Smith. Nature 285, 440 Request pdf

  32. J. D. Mollon and P. G. Polden (1980) A curiosity of light adaptation. Nature 286, 59-62 Request pdf

  33. G. H. Jacobs, J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1981) Behavioural and microspectrophotometric measurements of colour vision in monkeys. Nature 292, 541-543 Request pdf

  34. J. D. Mollon (1982) Color Vision. Annual Reviews of Psychology 33, 41-85 Request pdf

  35. L. T. Sharpe and J. D. Mollon (1982) Dynamic changes in sensitivity to long-wavelength incremental flashes. Docum. Ophthal. Proc. Ser. 33, 53-59 Request pdf

  36. J. D. Mollon (1982) A taxonomy of tritanopias. Docum. Ophthal. Proc. Ser. 33, 87-101 Request pdf

  37. J. D. Mollon (1982) What is odd about the short-wavelength mechanism and why is it disproportionately vulnerable to acquired damage? Docum. Ophthal. Proc. Ser. 33, 145-149 (Meeting Report) Request pdf

  38. G. H. Jacobs, J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1982) Colour vision variations in monkeys: behavioural and microspectrophotometric measurements in the same individuals. Docum. Ophthal. Proc. Ser. 33, 269-280 Request pdf

  39. J. K. Bowmaker, J. D. Mollon and G. H. Jacobs (1983) Microspectrophotometric results for Old and New World primates. In Mollon, J.D. and Sharpe, L.T., op. cit., pp. 57-68 Request pdf

  40. H. J. A. Dartnall, J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1983) Microspectrophotometry of human photoreceptors. In Mollon, J.D. and Sharpe, L.T., op. cit., pp. 69-80 Request pdf

  41. J. D. Mollon (1983) Colour vision. In Harré, R. and Lamb, R. (Eds.) 'Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology', Blackwell

  42. J. D. Mollon (1984) The sight of art: Review of 'Cameraworks' by David Hockney. Nature 312, 218 Request pdf

  43. C. R. Cavonius and J. D. Mollon (1984) Reaction time as a measure of the discriminability of large colour differences. In C.P. Gibson (Ed.) 'Colour Coded vs Monochrome Electronic Displays', London, HMSO Request pdf

  44. J. D. Mollon, J. K. Bowmaker, H. J. A. Dartnall, A. C. Bird (1984) Microspectrophotometric and psychophysical results for the same deuteranopic observer. In Verriest, G. (Ed.) Colour Vision Deficiencies VII, The Hague, W. Junk, pp. 303-310 Request pdf

  45. J. D. Mollon, J. K. Bowmaker and G. H. Jacobs (1984) Variations of colour vision in a New World primate can be explained by polymorphism of retinal photopigments. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 222, 373-399 Request pdf

  46. J. D. Mollon (1985) Studies in scarlet. The Listener 10 January, 6-7 2 Request pdf

  47. J. D. Mollon (1985) L'auteur énigmatique de la théorie trichromatique. Proc. Assoc. Int. de la Couleur Paris, 1985

  48. J. K. Bowmaker, G. H. Jacobs, D. J. Spiegelhalter and J. D. Mollon (1985) Two types of trichromatic squirrel monkey share a pigment in the red-green spectral region. Vision Research 25, 1937-1946 Request pdf

  49. J. D. Mollon (1986) Articles on 'Colour Vision' and 'McCollough Effect'. in Kuper, A. and Kuper, J. (Eds.) 'The Social Science Encyclopaedia', Routledge and Kegan Paul

  50. J. D. Mollon and C. R. Cavonius (1986) The discriminability of colours on c.r.t. displays. J. Inst. Electronic & Radio Engineers 56, 107-110 Request pdf

  51. J. D. Mollon (1986) Molecular genetics: Understanding colour vision. Nature 321, 12-13. (News & Views) Request pdf

  52. J. D. Mollon (1986) Articles on 'Colour Vision', 'Colour Blindness', 'Weber's Law', 'Contingent visual after-effects' . in Harré R. and Lamb, R. (Eds.) Dictionary of Physiological and Clinical Psychology', Blackwell

  53. J. D. Mollon (1986) Questions of sex and colour. Nature 1986, 323, 578-579. (News & Views) Request pdf

  54. A. Stockman and J. D. Mollon (1986) The spectral sensitivities of the middle- and long-wave cones: an extension of the two-colour threshold technique of W. S. Stiles. Perception 15, 729-754. * Request pdf

  55. J. D. Mollon and C. R. Cavonius (1987) The chromatic antagonisms of Opponent Process Theory are not the same as those revealed in studies of detection and discrimination. In Verriest, G., (Ed.) Colour Vision Deficiencies VIII, The Hague, W. Junk, pp 473-483 2 Request pdf

  56. J. D. Mollon (1987) W. S. Stiles (1901-1985). In Verriest, G., (Ed.) Colour Vision Deficiencies VIII, The Hague, W. Junk, pp 1-2

  57. J. D. Mollon, A. Stockman and P. G. Polden (1987) Transient tritanopia of a second kind. Vision Research 27, 637-650 Request pdf

  58. J. D. Mollon (1987) On the origins of polymorphisms. In 'Frontiers of Visual Science', National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 160-168 Request pdf

  59. J. K. Bowmaker, G. H. Jacobs and J. D. Mollon (1987) Polymorphism of photopigments in the squirrel monkey: a sixth phenotype. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 231, 383-390 Request pdf

  60. J. D. Mollon (1987) What can we learn about colour vision from a study of its evolution? In 'Normal and Pathologic Colour Vision', Eds. E. Marré, M. Tost, H.J. Zenker, Martin-Luther-Universität Wissenschaftliche Beiträge 120 (R101), Halle (Saale)

  61. J. D. Mollon (1987) Walter Stanley Stiles, 1901-1985. Perception 15, 657-666. * 2 Request pdf

  62. J. D. Mollon (1987) On the nature of models of colour vision. Die Farbe 34, 29-46. * Request pdf

  63. J. D. Mollon (1987) John Elliot M.D. (1747-1787). Nature 329, 19-20 Request pdf

  64. J. D. Mollon and O. Estévez (1988) Tyndall's paradox of hue discrimination. J. opt. Soc. Amer 5A, 151-159 Request pdf

  65. D. Travis, J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1988) Polymorphism of visual pigments in a Callitrichid monkey. Vision Research 28, 481-490 Request pdf

  66. J. D. Mollon (1988) Review of 'Goethe contra Newton' by D. L. Sepper. ' Nature 336, 433 Request pdf

  67. J. D. Mollon and G. Jordan (1988/1989) Eine evolutionäre Interpretation des menschlichen Farbensehens. Die Farbe 35/36, 139-170 Request pdf

  68. J. D. Mollon (1989) "Tho' she kneel'd in that Place where they Grew". J. exp. Biol. 146, 21-38 (reprinted in A. Byrne and D. R. Hilbert Readings on Color, MIT Press, 1997) Request pdf

  69. J. D. Mollon and J. P. Reffin (1989) A computer-controlled colour vision test that combines the principles of Chibret and Stilling. Journal of Physiology 414, 5P Request pdf

  70. J. D. Mollon (1989) Acquisition and Processing of Information During States of REM Sleep and Slow-Wave Sleep. United States Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Note 98-04 Request pdf

  71. J. D. Mollon (1989) Psychology's Johnson. Review of MacMillan Dictionary of Psychology by Stuart Sutherland. Nature 338, 668-669 Request pdf

  72. J. D. Mollon (1990) The club-sandwich mystery. Nature 343, 16-17 (News & Views). * Request pdf

  73. C. R. Cavonius, M. Müller and J. D. Mollon (1990) Difficulties faced by color-anomalous observers in interpreting color displays. Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers 1990, 1250, 190-195

  74. J. D. Mollon (1990) The tricks of colour. In Barlow, H.B., Weston-Smith, M. and Blakemore, C. (Eds.) 'Images and Understanding', Cambridge University Press, pp. 61-78 Request pdf

  75. J. D. Mollon, O. Estévez and C. R. Cavonius (1990) The two subsystems of colour vision and their roles in wavelength discrimination. In C. B. Blakemore (Ed.) 'Vision: coding and efficiency', Cambridge University Press, pp. 119-131 Request pdf

  76. M. A. Webster and J. D. Mollon (1991) Changes in colour appearance following post-receptoral adaptation. Nature 349, 235-238 Request pdf

  77. J. D. Mollon (1991) Edwin Herbert Land (1909-1991). Nature 350, 379-380 (Obituary). * Request pdf

  78. J. D. Mollon (1991) G protein-coupled receptors: Hue and the heptahelicals. Nature 351, 696-697 (News and Views) Request pdf

  79. J. K. Bowmaker, S. Astell, D. Hunt and J. D. Mollon (1991) Photosensitive and photostable pigments in the retinae of Old World monkeys. J. exp. Biol. 1991, 156, 1-19. * Request pdf

  80. M. Müller, C. R. Cavonius and J. D. Mollon (1991) Constructing the color space of the deuteranomalous observer. In B. Drum and A. Serra 'Colour Vision Deficiencies X', Kluwer, pp. 377-387 Request pdf

  81. J. D. Mollon, S. Astell and J. Reffin (1991) A minimalist test of colour vision. In B. Drum and A. Serra 'Colour Vision Deficiencies X', Kluwer, pp. 59-67. * Request pdf

  82. J. Reffin, S. Astell and J. D. Mollon (1991) Trials of a computer-controlled colour vision test that preserves the advantages of pseudoisochromatic plates. In B. Drum and A. Serra 'Colour Vision Deficiencies X', Kluwer, pp. 67-76. * Request pdf

  83. J. D. Mollon (1991) The uses and evolutionary origins of primate colour vision. In J. Cronly-Dillon and R. L. Gregory (Eds.), 'Vision and Visual Dysfunction' vol 2, pp. 306-319, Macmillan, London (revised version of essay originally published in the Journal of Experimental Biology.)

  84. J. D. Mollon, S. Astell and C. R. Cavonius (1992) A reduction in stimulus duration can improve wavelength discriminations mediated by short-wave cones. Vision Research 32, 745-755. * Request pdf

  85. R. Ibbotson, D. Hunt, J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1992) Sequence divergence and copy number of the middle- and long-wave photopigment genes in Old World monkeys. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., B 247, 145-154 Request pdf

  86. J. D. Mollon (1992) Signac's Secret. Nature 358, 380-381 (Book review) * Request pdf

  87. J. D. Mollon and J. Reffin (1992) The organising power of colour signals. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 33, 701 * Request pdf

  88. J. D. Mollon (1992) Worlds of Difference. Nature 356, 378-379. * (News & Views) Request pdf

  89. M. J. Tovée, J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1992) The relationship between cone pigments and behavioural sensitivity in a New World primate (Callithrix jacchus jacchus). Vision Research 32, 867-878 Request pdf

  90. M. J. Morgan, A. Adam and J. D. Mollon (1992) Dichromats detect colour-camouflaged objects that are not detected by trichromats. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 248, 291-295 Request pdf

  91. A. J. Williams, D. M. Hunt, J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1992) The polymorphic photopigments of the marmoset: spectral tuning and genetic basis. European Molecular Biology Organisation Journal 11, 2039-2045 Request pdf

  92. J. D. Mollon and J. K. Bowmaker (1992) The spatial arrangement of cones in the primate fovea. Nature 360, 677-679. * Request pdf

  93. J. D. Mollon (1993) Mixing genes and mixing pigments. Current Biology 3, 82-85. Request pdf

  94. D. Hunt, A. Williams, J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1993) Structure and evolution of the polymorphic photopigment gene of the marmoset. Vision Research 33, 147-154 . Request pdf

  95. M. Webster and J. D. Mollon (1993) Contrast adaptation dissociates different measures of luminous efficiency. J. Optical Society of America 10A, 1332-1340. Request pdf

  96. J. D. Mollon (1993) Absinthe makes the art grow stronger: review of Vincent van Gogh by W. N. Arnold. Nature 362, 659. Request pdf

  97. G. Jordan and J. D. Mollon (1993) A study of women heterozygous for colour deficiency. Vision Research 33, 1495-1508.* Request pdf

  98. J. D. Mollon (1993) George Palmer (1740-1795). In C. Nicholls (Ed.) 'Dictionary of National Biography: Missing Persons Volume', Oxford University Press, pp. 509-510 (Republished with additions in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2004)

  99. G. Jordan and J. D. Mollon (1993) The Nagel anomaloscope and seasonal variation in colour vision. Nature. 363 546-549 Request pdf

  100. M. R. Baker and J. D. Mollon (1993) The spectral luminance function for deflection of attention. Die Farbe 39, 25-35. * Request pdf

  101. B. C. Regan, J. P. Reffin and J. D. Mollon (1994) Luminance noise and the rapid determination of discrimination ellipses in colour deficiency. Vision Research 34, 1279-1299 Request pdf

  102. M. A. Webster and J. D. Mollon (1994) The influence of contrast adaptation on color appearance. Vision Research 34, 1993-2020 Request pdf

  103. K. S. Dulai, J. K. Bowmaker, J. D. Mollon and D. M. Hunt (1994) Sequence divergence, polymorphism and evolution of the middle-wave and long-wave visual pigment genes of Great Apes and Old World monkeys. Vision Research 34, 2483-2493 Request pdf

  104. G. Jordan and J. D. Mollon (1995) Rayleigh matches and unique green. Vision Research 35, 613-620.* Request pdf

  105. J. D. Mollon and M. R. Baker (1995) The use of CRT displays in research on colour vision. In Drum, B. (Ed) Colour Vision Deficiencies XII pp. 423-444. * Request pdf

  106. B. C. Regan and J. D. Mollon (1995) Discrimination ellipses in the MacLeod-Boynton diagram: results for normal and colour-deficient subjects obtained with a CRT display. In Drum, B. (Ed) Colour Vision Deficiencies XII, pp 445-451

  107. J. D. Mollon (1995) Seeing colour.(Darwin Lecture). In T. Lamb and J. Bourriau (Eds) Colour : Art and Science, 127-150, CUP Request pdf

  108. M. A. Webster and J. D. Mollon (1995) Colour constancy influenced by contrast adaptation. Nature 373, 694-698 Request pdf

  109. D. M. Hunt, K. Dulai, J. K. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1995) The chemistry of John Dalton's color blindness. Science 267, 984-988 Request pdf

  110. F. Viénot, H. Brettel, L. Ott, A. B. M'Barek and J. D. Mollon (1995) What do colour-blind people see? Nature 376, 127-128 (Scientific Correspondence) Request pdf

  111. A. G. Morris, E. Gaitonde, P. J. McKenna, J. D. Mollon and D. M. Hunt (1995) CAG repeat expansions and schizophrenia: association with disease in females and with early age-at-onset. Human Molecular Genetics 4, 1957-1961 Request pdf

  112. J. Shyne, D. Hewett-Emmett, H. Sperling, D. M. Hunt, J. K. Bowmaker, J. D. Mollon and W. Li (1995) Adaptive evolution of color vision genes in higher primates. Science 269, 1265-1267

  113. D. Hunt, J. Cowing, R. Patel, B. Appukuttan, J. Bowmaker and J. D. Mollon (1995) Sequence and evolution of the blue cone pigment gene in Old and New World primates. Genomics 27, 535-538

  114. E. J. Gaitonde, A. Morris, S. Sivagnanasundaram, P. J. McKenna, D. M. Hunt and J. D. Mollon (1996) Assessment of association of D3 dopamine receptor MScI polymorphism with schizophrenia. American Journal of Medical Genetics 67 455-458

  115. J. D. Mollon and A. Perkins (1996) Errors of judgement at Greenwich in 1796. Nature 380, 101-102 Request pdf

  116. J. D. Mollon and M. V. Danilova (1996) Three remarks on perceptual learning. Spatial Vision 10, 51-58. * Request pdf

  117. V. Bonnardel, H. Bellemare and J. D. Mollon (1996) Measurements of human sensitivity to comb-filtered spectra. Vision Research 36, 2713-2720 Request pdf

  118. M. A. Webster, A. Wade and J. D. Mollon (1996) Color in natural images and its implications for visual adaptation. SPIE Proceedings 1996, 2657, 144-152

  119. J. D. Mollon (1996) The Experimental Psychology Society 1946-1996. Experimental Psychology Society Cambridge. *

  120. M. West, L. Spillmann, P. Cavanagh, J. Mollon and S. Hamlin (1996) Susanne Liebmann in the critical zone. Perception 25, 1451-1495

  121. J. D. Mollon (1996) The evolution of trichromacy: An essay to mark the bicentennial of Thomas Young's graduation in Göttingen. In N. Elsner & H.-U. Schnitzler (Eds) Brain and Evolution, Springer, pp. 125-139 Request pdf

  122. J. D. Mollon (1997) '...aus dreyerley Arten von Membranen oder Molekülen': George Palmer's legacy. In C. R. Cavonius (Ed.) Colour Vision Deficiencies XIII pp. 1-18, Kluwer: Dordrecht. * Request pdf

  123. G. Jordan and J. D. Mollon (1997) Unique hues in heterozygotes for protan and deutan deficiencies. In C. R. Cavonius (Ed.) Colour Vision Deficiencies XIII pp. 67-76, Kluwer: Dordrecht Request pdf

  124. B. C. Regan and J. D. Mollon (1997) The relative salience of the cardinal axes of colour space in normal and anomalous trichromats. In C. R. Cavonius (Ed.) Colour Vision Deficiencies XIII pp. 261-270, Kluwer: Dordrecht Request pdf

  125. G. Jordan and J. D. Mollon (1997) Sons and Mothers: classification of colour-deficient and heterozygous subjects by counterphase modulation photometry. In C. R. Cavonius (Ed.) Colour Vision Deficiencies XIII pp. 385-392, Kluwer: Dordrecht Request pdf

  126. M. V. Danilova and J. D. Mollon (1997) The pseudoisochromatic plates of E. N. Yustova. In C. R. Cavonius (Ed.) Colour Vision Deficiencies XIII pp. 313-322, Kluwer: Dordrecht Request pdf

  127. J. D. Mollon, K. S. Dulai and D. M. Hunt (1997) Dalton's colour blindness: an essay in molecular biography. In C. Dickinson, I. Murray and D. Carden (Eds) 'John Dalton's Colour Vision Legacy', pp 15-33, Taylor and Francis, London

  128. J. D. Mollon and G. Jordan (1997) On the nature of unique hues. In C. Dickinson, I. Murray and D. Carden (Eds) 'John Dalton's Colour Vision Legacy', pp. 391-403, Taylor and Francis, London Request pdf

  129. J. K. Bowmaker, D. M. Hunt and J. D. Mollon (1997) Primate visual pigments: their spectral distribution and evolution. In C. Dickinson, I. Murray and D. Carden (Eds) 'John Dalton's Colour Vision Legacy', pp. 37-46, Taylor and Francis, London

  130. G. Jordan and J. D. Mollon (1997) Adaptation of colour vision to sunlight. Nature 386, 135-136 (Scientific Correspondence). * Request pdf

  131. J. D. Mollon (1997) Colour blindness. In 'Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine', pp. 412-413, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

  132. M. A. Webster and J. D. Mollon (1997) Motion minima for different directions in color space. Vision Research 37 1479-1498 Request pdf

  133. E. J. Gaitonde, S. Sivagnanasundaram, A. G. Morris, P. J. McKenna, J. D. Mollon and D. M. Hunt (1997) The number of triplet repeats in five brain-expressed loci with CAG expansions is not associated with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 25, 111-116 Request pdf

  134. J. D. Mollon (1997) Chevreul et sa théorie de la vision dans le cadre du XIXe siècle. In G. Roque, B. Bobo and F. Viénot (Eds.) 'Michel-Eugène Chevreul', pp 137-146, Éditions du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris

  135. M. A. Webster and J. D. Mollon (1997) Adaptation and the color statistics of natural images. Vision Research 37, 3283-3298 Request pdf

  136. H. Brettel, F. Viénot and J. D. Mollon (1997) Computerized simulation of color appearance for dichromats. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A 14, 2647-2655. Request pdf

  137. J. D. Mollon (1997) 'By velocity cues alone...' . Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 50A, 859-878. * Request pdf (monochrome only)

  138. J. D. Mollon, B. C. Regan and J. K. Bowmaker (1998) What is the function of the cone-rich rim of the retina? Eye 12, 548-552. * Request pdf

  139. G. Jordan and J. D. Mollon (1998) Shift in Rayleigh match after adaptation to monochromatic light of various intensities. Vision Research 38, 3253-3257. Request pdf

  140. M. I. K. Norrish and J. D. Mollon (1998) A signal cancellation technique for the study of the transient pupillary light reflex. Journal of Physiology 507, 35P. Request pdf

  141. D. M. Hunt, K. S. Dulai, J. A. Cowing, C. Julliot, J. D. Mollon, J. K. Bowmaker, W.-H. Li and D. Hewett-Emmett (1998) Molecular evolution of trichromacy in primates. Vision Research 38, 3299-3306. Request pdf

  142. B. C. Regan, C. Julliot, B. Simmen, F. Viénot, P. Charles-Dominique and J. D. Mollon (1998) Frugivory and colour vision in Alouatta seniculus, a trichromatic platyrrhine monkey. Vision Research 38, 3321-3327. Request pdf

  143. M. P. Simunovic, M. Votruba, B. C. Regan and J. D. Mollon (1998) Colour discrimination ellipses in patients with dominant optic atrophy. Vision Research 38, 3413-3419. Request pdf

  144. B. C. Regan, N. Freudenthaler, R. Kolle, J. D. Mollon and W. Paulus (1998) Colour discrimination thresholds in Parkinson's disease: results obtained with a rapid computer-controlled colour vision test. Vision Research 38, 3427-3431. Request pdf

  145. J. D. Mollon (1998) Specifying, generating and measuring colours. In Robson, J. and Carpenter, R. (Eds) A Practical Guide to Visual Research, Oxford University Press. * Request pdf

  146. J. D. Mollon (1999) Color Vision: Opsins and Options. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96, 4743-4745. Request pdf

  147. F, Viénot, H. Brettel and J. D. Mollon (1999) Digital video colour maps for checking the legibility of displays by dichromats. Color Research and Application 24, 243-252. Request pdf

  148. M. V. Danilova and J. D. Mollon (1999) Chto mu sravnivaem, sravnivaja raznesennue ob'ektu? Opticheskii zhurnal 66 15-23 [Translated as "What do we compare when comparing separated objects?" in J. Optical Technol., 66, 857-861] Request pdf

  149. J. D. Mollon and B. C. Regan (1999) Spectralnue svojstva kolbochek i makularnogo pigmenta primatov - soglasovanu s okrugajucshim murom. Opticheskii zhurnal 66, 847-852 [Translated as "The spectral distribution of primate cones and of the macular pigment: Matched to properties of the world?" in J. Optical Technol., 66, 847-852] Request pdf

  150. K. S. Dulai, M. von Dornum, J. D. Mollon and D. M. Hunt (1999) The evolution of trichromatic color vision by opsin gene duplication in New World and Old World primates. Genome Research 9, 629-638 Request pdf

  151. J. D. Mollon (2000) "Cherries among the leaves": The evolutionary origins of colour vision. In S. Davis (Ed) Colour Perception: Philosophical, Psychological, Artistic, and Computational Perspectives, Oxford University Press, pp 10-30. Request pdf

  152. P. Sumner and J. D. Mollon (2000) Catarrhine photopigments are optimised for detecting targets against a foliage background. Journal of Experimental Biology 203, 1963-1986 Request pdf

  153. P. Sumner and J. D. Mollon (2000) Chromaticity as a signal of ripeness in fruits taken by primates. Journal of Experimental Biology 203, 1987-2000 Request pdf

  154. K. Gregory Evans, R. E. Kelsell, C. Y. Gregory Evans, S. M. Downes, F. W. Fitzke, G. E. Holder, M.Simunovic, J. D. Mollon, R. Taylor, D. M. Hunt, A. C. Bird, A. T. Moore (2000) Autosomal dominant cone-rod retinal dystrophy (CORD6) from heterozygous mutation of GUCY2D, which encodes retinal guanylate cyclase. Ophthalmology 107, 55-61

  155. S. Sivagnanasundaram, A. G. Morris, E. J. Gaitonde, P. J. McKenna, J. D. Mollon, D. M. Hunt (2000) A cluster of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the 5'-leader of the human dopamine D3 receptor gene (DRD3) and its relationship to schizophrenia. Neuroscience Letters 279, 13-16 Request pdf

  156. H. E. Smithson and J. D. Mollon (2001) Forward and backward masking with brief chromatic stimuli. Color Research and Application 25, S165-169 Request pdf

  157. Regan, B. C., Julliot, C., Simmen, B., Viénot, F., Charles-Dominique, P. and Mollon, J. D. (2001) Fruits, foliage and the evolution of primate colour vision. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 356, 229-283. * Request pdf

  158. J. D. Mollon (2001) Colour blindness. In Blakemore, C. & Jennett, S. (Eds) The Oxford Companion to the Body, pp 159-160, Oxford University Press

  159. M. Simunovic, B. C. Regan, and J. D. Mollon (2001) Is color vision deficiency an advantage under scotopic conditions? Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 42, 3357-3364. Request pdf

  160. Y.-G. Kim and J. D. Mollon (2002) Conditions under which stereopsis and motion perception are blind. Perception 31, 65-71. Request pdf

  161. J. D. Mollon (2002) The origins of the concept of interference. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 360, 807-819. Request pdf

  162. P. Sumner and J. D. Mollon (2002) Signals invisible to the collicular and magnocellular pathways can capture visual attention. Current Biology 12, 1312-1316 Request pdf

  163. J. D. Mollon (2002) When the rainbow resembles the tricolour of France: The two subsystems of colour vision. In Christen, Y., Doly. M. & Droy-Lefaix, M.-T. (Eds) Rétine, cerveau et vision des couleurs, pages 3-17, Solal, Marseille

  164. P. Sumner and J. D. Mollon (2003) The colors of primate pelage and skin: Objective assessment of conspicuousness. American Journal of Primatology 59, 67-91 Request pdf

  165. J. D. Mollon (2003) Thomas Young and the trichromatic theory of colour vision. In Mollon, J. D., Pokorny, J. and Knoblauch, K. (Eds) Normal and Defective Colour Vision, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pages xix-xxxiii * Request pdf

  166. P. Sumner and J. D. Mollon (2003) Did primate trichromacy evolve for frugivory or folivory?. In Mollon, J. D., Pokorny, J. and Knoblauch, K. (Eds) Normal and Defective Colour Vision, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pages 21-30 Request pdf

  167. J. K. Bowmaker, J. W. L. Parry and J. D. Mollon (2003) The arrangement of L and M cones in retina. In Mollon, J. D., Pokorny, J. and Knoblauch, K. (Eds) Normal and Defective Colour Vision, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pages 39-50 Request pdf

  168. A. G. Shapiro, S. M. Hood and J. D. Mollon (2003) Temporal frequency and contrast adaptation. In Mollon, J. D., Pokorny, J. and Knoblauch, K. (Eds) Normal and Defective Colour Vision, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pages 138-144

  169. H. E. Smithson, P. Sumner and J. D. Mollon (2003) How to find a tritan line. In Mollon, J. D., Pokorny, J. and Knoblauch, K. (Eds) Normal and Defective Colour Vision, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pages 279-287 * Request pdf

  170. M. V. Danilova and J. D. Mollon (2003) Comparison at a distance. Perception 32, 395-414 Request pdf

  171. J. D. Mollon (2003) The origins of modern color science. In Shevell, S. (Ed) Color Science, Optical Society of America, Washington Request pdf

  172. M. Michaelides, I. A. Aligianis, G. E. Holder, M. Simunovic, J. D. Mollon, E. R. Maher, D. M. Hunt and A. T. Moore (2003) Cone dystrophy phenotype associated with a frameshift mutation (M280fsX291) in the alpha-subunit of cone-specific transducin (GNAT2). British Journal of Ophthalmology 87, 1317-1320

  173. S. Johnson, M. Michaelides, I. A. Aligianis, J. R. Ainsworth, J. D. Mollon, E. R. Maher, A. T. Moore and D. M. Hunt (2004) Achromatopsia caused by novel mutations in both CNGA4 and CNGB3. Journal of Medical Genetics 41, e20 Request pdf

  174. M. Michaelides, G. E. Holder, K. Bradshaw, D. M. Hunt, J. D. Mollon, and A. T. Moore (2004) Oligocone Trichromacy - a rare and unusual cone dysfunction syndrome. British Journal of Ophthalmology 88, 497-500

  175. M. Michaelides, I. A. Aligianis, J. R. Ainsworth, P. Good, J. D. Mollon, E. R. Maher, A. T. Moore and D. M. Hunt (2004) Progressive cone dystrophy associated with mutation in CNGB3 Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 45, 1975-1982 Request pdf

  176. J. D. Mollon (2004) John Elliot M.D. (1740-1787). In Dictionary of National Biography, New Edition, Oxford University Press, vol. 18, pp 180-181

  177. H. E. Smithson and J. D. Mollon (2004) Is the S-opponent chromatic subsystem sluggish? Vision Research 44, 2919-2929 Request pdf

  178. P. B. M. Thomas and J. D. Mollon (2004) Modelling the Rayleigh match. Visual Neuroscience 21, 477-482 Request pdf

  179. Michaelides, M., Holder, G. E., Webster, A. R., Hunt, D. M., Bird, A. C., Fitzke, F. W., Mollon, J. D. and Moore, A. T. (2005) A detailed phenotypic study of "cone dystrophy with supernormal rod ERG". British Journal of Ophthalmology 89, 332-339

  180. Mollon, J. D. (2005) Professor C. R. Cavonius (1932-2003). Perception 34, 241-244 Request pdf

  181. Michaelides, M., Johnson,S., Simunovic, M. P., Bradshaw, K., Holder, G., Mollon, J. D., Moore, A. T., and Hunt, D. M. (2005) Blue cone monochromatism: a phenotype and genotype assessment with evidence of progressive loss of function in older individuals. Eye 19, 2-10

  182. Michaelides, M., Johnson,S., Bradshaw, K., Holder, G., Simunovic, M. P., Mollon, J. D., Moore, A. T., and Hunt, D. M. (2005) X-linked cone dysfunction syndrome with myopia and protanopia. Ophthalmology 112, 1148-1454 Request pdf

  183. Bosten, J. M., Robinson, J. D., Jordan, G. & Mollon, J. D. (2005) Multidimensional scaling reveals a color dimension unique to 'color deficient' observers. Current Biology 15, R950-R952 Request pdf

  184. Danilova, M.V. and Mollon, J. D. (2006) The comparison of spatially separated colours. Vision Research 46, 823-836 Request pdf

  185. Smithson, H. E. and Mollon, J. D. (2006) Do masks terminate the icon? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 59, 150-160 Request pdf

  186. Hood, S.M., Mollon, J. D., Purves, L. and Jordan, G. (2006) Color discrimination in carriers of color deficiency. Vision Research 46, 2894-2900 Request pdf

  187. Danilova, M. D. & Mollon, J. D. (2006) Novyj psychophysicheskij metod dlia izmerenija porogov razlichenija/sravnenija dvuh odnovremenno pred'javliaemyh stimulov. [A new psychophysical method for measuring discrimination/comparison thresholds of simultaneously presented stimuli]. In V.N. Nosulenko, I.G. Skotnikova (Eds.) Psychophysica segodnia [Psychophysics Today] pp. 26-35, Russian Academy of Sciences: Moscow. * Request pdf

  188. Danilova, M.V. and Mollon, J. D. (2006) The gap effect is exaggerated in the parafovea. Visual Neuroscience 23, 509-517 Request pdf

  189. Mollon, J. D. (2006) Monge Visual Neuroscience 23, 297-309 * Request pdf

  190. Blake, Z., Land, T. and Mollon, J. (2008) Relative latencies of cone signals measured by a moving vernier task Journal of Vision 8(16):16, 1-11 Request pdf

  191. Danilova, M.V. and Mollon, J. D. (2009) The symmetry of visual fields in chromatic discrimination. Brain and Cognition 69, 39-46 Request pdf

  192. Gardner, J., Michaelides, M., Holder, G., Kanuga, N., Webb, T., Mollon, J. D., Moore, A., Hardcastle, A. (2009) Blue cone monochromacy: causative mutations and associated phenotypes Molecular Vision 15, 876-884 Request pdf

  193. Mollon, J. D. (2009) A neural basis for unique hues? Current Biology 19, R441-442 Request pdf

  194. Formankiewicz, M. and Mollon, J. D. (2009) The psychophysics of detecting binocular discrepancies of luminance Vision Research 49, 1929-1938 Request pdf

  195. Mollon, J. D. (2009) Unlocked edges or contradictory edges? Commentary on Gregory (1977) Perception 38, 832-834 Request pdf

  196. Lee, R. J., Mollon, J. D., Zaidi, Q. and Smithson, H. E. (2009) Latency characteristics of the short-wavelength-sensitive cones and their associated pathways Journal of Vision 9(12):5, 1-17 Request pdf

  197. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2010) Parafoveal color discrimination: A chromaticity locus of enhanced discrimination Journal of Vision 10(1):4, 1-9 Request pdf

  198. Jordan, G., Deeb, S. S., Bosten, J. M. and Mollon, J. D. (2010) The dimensionality of color vision in carriers of color anomalies Journal of Vision 10(8):12,1-19 Request pdf

  199. Bosten, J. M. and Mollon, J. D. (2010) Is there a general trait of susceptibility to simultaneous contrast? Vision Research 50, 1656-1664 Request pdf

  200. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2010) Tsvetovyje categorii i tsvetorazlichenie [Colour categories and colour discrimination] Eksperimental'naja Psichologija[Experimental Psychology] No. 3, 39-56 Request pdf

  201. To, M., Regan, B. C., Wood, D. and Mollon, J. D. (2011) Vision out of the corner of the eye Vision Research 51, 203-214 Request pdf

  202. Smith, W. S., Mollon, J. D., Bhardwaj, R. and Smithson, H. E. (2011) Is there brief temporal buffering of successive visual inputs? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 64, 767-791 Request pdf

  203. Michaelides, M., Rha, J., Dees, E., Baraas, R., Wagner-Schuman, M., Mollon, J., Dubis, A., Andersen, M., Rosenberg, T., Larsen, M., Moore, A., Carroll, J. (2011) Integrity of the Cone Photoreceptor Mosaic in Oligocone Trichromacy Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 52, 4757-4764 Request pdf

  204. P. B. M. Thomas, M. Formanikiewicz and J. D. Mollon (2011) The effect of photopigment optical density on the color vision of the anomalous trichromat. Vision Research 51, 2224-2233 Request pdf

  205. Bosten, J. M. & Mollon, J. D. (2012) Kirschmann's Fourth Law. Vision Research 53, 40-46 Request pdf

  206. Mollon, J. D. (2012) A Caian Survivor. Visual science, Morse lamps and the Titanic disaster of 1912 Once A Caian 12, 10-11 Request pdf

  207. Mollon, J. D. and Cavonius, L. R. (2012) The Lagerlunda collision and the introduction of color vision testing. Survey of Ophthalmology 57, 178-194 * Request pdf

  208. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2012) The cardinal axes are not independent in color discrimination Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29, A157-164 Request pdf

  209. Bhardwaj, R., Mollon, J. D. and Smithson, H. E. (2012) Compatible and incompatible representations in visual sensory storage. Journal of Vision 12(5):1,1-10 Request pdf

  210. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2012) Foveal color perception: Minimal thresholds at a boundary between perceptual categories. Vision Research 62, 162-172 Request pdf

  211. Goodbourn, P. T., Bosten, J. M., Hogg, R. E., Bargary, G., Lawrance-Owen, A. and Mollon, J. D. (2012) Do different 'magnocellular tasks' probe the same neural substrate? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279, 4263-4271 Request pdf

  212. Danilova, M. V., Chan, C. H. and Mollon, J. D. (2013) Can spatial resolution reveal individual differences in the L:M cone ratio? Vision Research 78, 26-38 Request pdf

  213. McClements, M., Davies, W. I., Michaelides, M., Carroll, J., Rha, J., Mollon, J. D., Neitz, M., MacLaren, R. E., Moore, A. T. & Hunt, D. M. (2013) X-linked cone dystrophy and colour vision deficiency arising from a missense mutation in a hybrid L/M cone opsin gene Vision Research 80, 41-50 Request pdf

  214. Lawrance-Owen, A., Bargary, G., Bosten, J. M., Goodbourn, P. T., Hogg, R. E., and Mollon, J. D. (2013) Genetic association suggests that SMOC1 mediates between prenatal sex hormones and digit ratio Human Genetics 132, 415-421 Request pdf

  215. Le Sueur, H., Mollon, J. D., Granzier, J. and Jordan, G. (2014) Counterphase modulation photometry: comparison of two instruments Journal of the Optical Society of America A 31, A34-37 Request pdf

  216. Goodbourn, P. T., Bosten, J. M., Bargary, G., Hogg, R. E., Lawrance-Owen, A., and Mollon, J. D. (2014) Variants in the 1q21 risk region are associated with a visual endophenotype of autism and schizophrenia Genes, Brain and Behavior 13, 144-151 Request pdf

  217. Bosten, J. M., Bargary, G., Goodbourn, P. T., Hogg, R. E., Lawrance-Owen, A. J., and Mollon, J. D. (2014) Individual differences provide psychophysical evidence for separate on- and off-pathways deriving from short-wave cones Journal of the Optical Society of America A 31, A47-54 Request pdf

  218. Bosten, J. M., Hogg, R. E., Bargary, G., Goodbourn, P. T., Lawrance-Owen, A., and Mollon, J. D. (2014) Suggestive association with ocular phoria at chromosome 6p22 Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 55, 345-352 Request pdf

  219. Lawrance-Owen, A. J., Bosten, J. M., Hogg, R. E., Bargary, G., Goodbourn, P. T., and Mollon, J. D. (2014) Counterphase modulation flicker photometry: Phenotypic and genotypic associations Journal of the Optical Society of America A 31, A226-231 Request pdf

  220. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2014) Symmetries and asymmetries in chromatic discrimination Journal of the Optical Society of America A 31, A247-253 Request pdf

  221. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2014) Is discrimination enhanced at the boundaries of perceptual categories? A negative case Proceedings of the Royal Society B vol 281;DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0367 Request pdf

  222. Verhallen, R. J., Bosten, J. M., Goodbourn, P. T., Bagary, G., Lawrance-Owen, A. J. and Mollon, J. D. (2014) An online version of the Mooney Face Test: phenotypic and genetic associations Neuropsychologia 63, 19-25 Request pdf

  223. Bosten, J. M., Goodbourn, P. T., Lawrance-Owen, A. J., Bagary, G., Hogg, R. E. and Mollon, J. D. (2015) A population study of binocular function Vision Research 110, 34-50 Request pdf

  224. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2016) Is discrimination enhanced at a category boundary? The case of unique red Journal of the Optical Society of America A 33, A260-A266 Request pdf

  225. Verhallen, R. J. and Mollon, J. D. (2016) A new Mooney test Behavior Research Methods 48, 1546-1559 Request pdf

  226. Jordan, G. and Mollon, J. D. (2016) Tetrachromatic vision in Ming Ronnier Luo (Ed) Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Springer, New York

  227. Bosten, J. M., Smith, L. and Mollon, J. D. (2016) Speed and the coherence of superimposed chromatic gratings Vision Research 122, 66-72 Request pdf

  228. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2016) Superior discrimination for hue than for saturation; and an explanation in terms of correlated neural noise. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281, 20160164 Request pdf

  229. Bosten, J. M., Goodbourn, P. T., Bargary, G., Verhallen, R. J., Lawrance-Owen, A. J., Hogg, R.E. and Mollon, J. D. (2017) An exploratory factor analysis of visual performance in a large population Vision Research 141, 303-316 Request pdf

  230. Verhallen, R. J., Bosten, J. M., Goodbourn, P. T., Lawrance-Owen, A. J., Bargary, G. and Mollon, J. D. (2017) General and specific factors in the processing of faces Vision Research 141, 217-227 Request pdf

  231. Moran, C., Habeb, A.M., Kahaly, G.J., Kampmann, C., Hughes, M., Marek, J., Rajanayagam,O., Kuczynski, A., Vargha-Khadem, F., Morsy, M., Offiah, A. C., Poole, K., Ward, K., Lyons, G., Halsall, D., Berman, L., Watson, L., Baguley, D., Mollon, J. D., Moore, A. T., Holder, G. E., Dattani, M. and Chatterjee, K. (2017) Homozygous Resistance to Thyroid Hormone beta: Can combined anti-thyroid drug and triiodothyroacetic acid treatment prevent cardiac failure? Journal of the Endocrine Society 1, 1203-1212 Request pdf

  232. Bargary, G., Bosten, J. M., Goodbourn, P. T., Lawrance-Owen, A. J., Hogg, R. E. and Mollon, J. D. (2017) Individual differences in human eye movements: an oculomotor signature? Vision Research 141, 157-169 Request pdf

  233. Verhallen, R. J., Bosten, J. M., Goodbourn, P. T., Lawrance-Owen, A. J., Bargary, G. and Mollon, J. D. (2017) The oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) and face recognition. Psychological Science i28, 47-55 Request pdf

  234. Mollon, J. D., Bosten, J. M., Peterzell, D. H., and Webster, M. A. (2017) Individual differences in visual science: What can be learned and what is good experimental practice? Vision Research 141, 4-15 Request pdf

  235. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2018) Cerebral iconics: how are visual stimuli represented centrally in the human brain? Journal of Optical Technology 85, 515-520 Request pdf

  236. Thomas, P. B. M. and Mollon, J. D. (2018) Syringe labels seen through the eyes of the colour-deficient clinician British Journal of Anaesthesia 121, 1370-1373 Request pdf

  237. Jordan, G. and Mollon, J. (2019) Tetrachromacy: The mysterious case of extra-ordinary color vision. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 30, 130-134 Request pdf

  238. Mollon, J. D. and Danilova, M. V, (2019) Cortical communication and the comparison of colors. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 30, 203-209 Request pdf

  239. Danilova, M. V. and Mollon, J. D. (2020) Discrimination of hue and discrimination of saturation assessed with a common metric. Journal of the Optical Society of America 37, A226-A236 Request pdf

  240. Veto, P., Thomas, P. B. M., Alexander, P., Wemyss, T. A. and Mollon, J. D. (2020) 'The last channel': vision at the temporal margin of the field. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 287, 202006076 Request pdf

  241. Danilova, M. V., Takahashi, C. and Mollon, J. D. (2020) How does the human visual system compare the speeds of spatially separated objects?. PLOS ONE 15(4):e0231959 Request pdf

  242. Takahashi, C., Mollon, J., and Danilova, M. (2020) Separation in the visual field has divergent effects on discriminating the speed and the direction of motion Current Biology 30, R1250-R1251 Request pdf

  243. Kim, U. S., Mahroo, O. A., Mollon, J., and Yu-Wai-Man, P. (2021) Retinal Ganglion Cells - Diversity of Cell Types and Clinical Relevance Frontiers in Neurology, 12, Article 661938 Request pdf

  244. P. B. M. Thomas, N. Nesaratnam, P. Chaudhuri-Vayalambrone and J. D. Mollon (2021) Color vision deficiency among doctors: Can we make useful adaptations to the color codes used in the clinical environment? Journal of Patient Safety 17, e1646 Request pdf

  245. M. V. Danilova and J. D. Mollon (2022) Bongard and Smirnov on the tetrachomacy of extra-foveal vision Vision Research 195, 1-7 Request pdf

  246. J. D. Mollon, Chie Takahashi and M. V. Danilova (2022) What kind of network is the brain? Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26 (4), 312-324 Request pdf

  247. G. Jordan and J. D. Mollon (2022) Tetrachromatic vision in Shamey, R 'Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology', 2nd Ed., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

  248. J. M. Bosten, A. J. Lawrance-Owen, G. Bargary, P. T. Goodbourn, J. D. Mollon (2023) 13q32.1 as a candidate region for physiological anisocoria. British Journal of Ophthalmology 107, 1730-1735 Request pdf

  249. J. D. Mollon, M. V. Danilova and A. V. Zhuravlev (2023) A possible mechanism of read-out from a molecular engram Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 200: 107784 Request pdf

  250. J. D. Mollon (2023) Perception in 'Cambridge Textbook of Neuroscience for Psychiatrists', Cambridge University Press 2023 Request pdf

  251. G. Bargary, J.M Bosten, A.J Lawrance-Owen, P.T. Goodbourn, J.D. Mollon (2024) Evidence for an association between a pH-dependent potassium channel, TWIK-1, and the accuracy of smooth pursuit eye movements. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 65(8):24 Request pdf

  252. J. D. Mollon (in press) Illusions that depend on the short-wave cone system. In Shapiro, A., Todorovic, D. and Takahashi, K. (Eds) Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press.

    * Papers marked with an asterisk are available as traditional offprints by writing to Professor J. D. Mollon, Department of Psychology, Downing St., Cambridge CB2 3EB, United Kingdom. In some cases, the printed offprint offers better colour reproduction than the pdf copies.
    Last revised 17 July 2024